Saturday, July 18, 2009


You say it's your birthday na na na it's my birthday too yeah! Today was my 39th birthday, I had a great day, let me tell you about it!

  1. Shelby made me breakfast in bed (leftover pizza & fruit cocktail, my favorite breakie)
  2. Shelby & I went out to Walcott Day parade
  3. Shelby & I shopping & spent my birthday money
  4. Big Daddy, Shelby, & I went to the movies to see "Night at the museum, battle of the Smithsonian" It was cute.
  5. Then we went to the book store (I could spend all day there if I could, I just love books) Shelby bought a book with her own money.
  6. Then we went to dairy queen so I could get a Mister Misty (even though they changed the name to Artic Rush, how dumb is that, I ask you?)
  7. We came home Daren & Shelby made me dinner (tacos, yummy!)

Thanks to everyone who called, sent cards, presents, flowers, well wishes, & family time, I appreciate it very much!

Thank you Shelby for making my breakfast, the drawing, the song, & the poem. I love you sweetie, the best part was spending time with you!

Last but not least thanks to the love of my life. Thanks for everything Big Daddy I love you more today than yesterday!

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