Monday, August 30, 2010

More baby pics

Dr. Brenot and Henry. This is my ob who delivered Henry & gave me that fine looking bruise.....thanks doc!!!

Bath time again!

I love that smell...he smells sooooo yummy!!!

Mama and her two angels!!!!
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I'm amazed how they have a bond already. I knew Shelby would be in love with him. But I was not ready for how much he would love her already. She talks to him and sings to him, I watch them & I can't help feeling so proud to call them mine!

This picture to me says....Shelby-"Shhhhhhhh....or Mom will take you away from me""
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How sweet is he I ask you? Could eat him up!

Hey Mama is it time to eat yet?

A little rest in the pack n play!!!
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First day of school!!!

Cheeeeeeessssseeeeeeburgers!!!! Shelby sitting at her new desk.

In front of her locker. Apparently her class is the only 3rd grade class who gets a locker, she LOVES it so much. Since these pictures she has decorated a little bit, she has peace signs, magnetic pad of paper, and some magnets. Have I mentioned she loves it? Shelby also likes her teacher so far. She's only three years older then me, wow by the time Henry gets there (ugh don't even want to think about it!)

Shelby also has 2 crushes this year so far, whom shall remain nameless. One is a bit of a trouble maker (great..not!) the other is as sweet as can be...we'll see how this plays out, should be fun to watch....awwww to be 8 again!
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Snuggling before school!!

Today was the first day of school and Shelby had to have some snuggle time with baby Henry (she was going to miss him so much) They watched some cartoons and snuggled while I showered.

Wow these 2 make my heart melt!!!!!!!!! How lucky I am to be their Mama
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Thursday, August 26, 2010

From Ouchie to adorable!

This my friends and family would be my stomach about 5 days after my son was born. Pretty nasty huh???? I ended up with a nasty bruise and an even nastier UTI.....ouch I was crying and peeing it was kind of a night mare, with lack of sleep, trying to breast feed, a new baby, yikes glad that's over. As I'm typing this it's 2 1/2 weeks since Henry was born, and bad bruise still there. Doctor doesn't seem to be worried about it, she said it would take a long time to go away. (I go back tomorrow on Friday, have her take another look)

Gramma Sharon and baby Henry. Gramma Sharon came to help while I was recouping from c-section.

Yummy I could eat him up....tooooooo cute!!!!
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Window dressing and a Laura

We were waiting for my pain meds to be done, so we decided to get breakfast, so Henry sat in the window sleeping while we ate.

Shelby has been reading Laura Ingalls Wilder books and wanted a bonnet. So this is what we came up with, with supplies at home. (and a little help from Nana Sue) Kinda cute huh? She loved it!
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More firsts.

Big Daddy, Henry, and our dog Mindy. We tried to introduce Mindy to Henryand this is as close as she would get, she didn't want any part of him.

Shelby was getting ready for bed so I put him in the bunk bed with her, as you can tell she thought that was a way cool idea.

As you can tell he still was a little jaundice in this picture (it didn't help that I had him in yellow too) He's so darn long I'm trying to get him to wear all the 0-3 mth clothes I can before he outgrows them.
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Breakfast and a bottle!!!

Grandpa Bubby, Shelby and Nana Sue

Bubby, Shelby, Henry, & Nana. Henry's first big outing...we met Nana and Bubby for breakfast at Gramma's kitchen when Henry was 5 days old (he slept through the whole thing...good boy!!!)

Shelby feeding Henry for the first time.
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bath Time & a Huntley!

One last Huntley picture. Lexi Loo Hoo and Baby Henry. In the hospital no one under 12 unless your a sibling can come to visit. Lexi was very disappointed, they were waiting for us when we got home from the hospital.

Mama, baby Henry and Shelby. This is the day we came home from the hospital. As you can tell Shelby's eyes are red & she'd been crying. She got quite upset anytime he cried (she's getting used to it more now, but still doesn't like it much!!!)
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First Visitors at home

Leah, Aunt Leisha, and baby Henry

Trey and baby Henry
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