Friday, July 31, 2009

Mama & Shelby's photoshoot

Shelby & Mama
Silly Shelby & Mama
Me & my girl!

Shelby took this one, of Mama & Big Daddy kissing.

Twice a day Shelby & I drive by Vanderveere Park on our way to & from camp, Shelby always says can we go to the park Mama? I always say no we have to go here or there. Today we were driving by & I said you know Shelby it's such a nice day lets call Daddy & see if he wants to go to the park & have a picnic. I called & Big Daddy said sure sounds like a great idea. I packed a picnic, we ate, fed the ducks, Shelby played at the park, her & I did the swings together. Earlier today I gave blood at the blood drive @ work, for doing this I got $3 from Whitey's. So on the way home Daren & Shelby had Whitey's for a treat. It was such a gorgeous day, & a great family outing, so glad we went.

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Shelby & Daddy

The ducks we were watching were cracking Shelby up!!!
Shelby & Daddy
Eating our picnic!
This is the most precious picture. I'm the luckiest woman in the world to have such a great family. My husband & my daughter who make me smile. , I thank god for you two daily.
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Peace Out!

Shelby & camp counselor Cindy they were hippies today. This was the last day for regular camp, next week is drama camp. Shelby loves Cindy, she's a fellow actor & will be there for drama camp (she helped get Shelby into drama camp @ the last minute)
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Thyroid/Goiter update

In case you haven't heard the surgeon called & said I think this can be treated with medication, great no surgery. So I have to go to an endocrinologist. So they scheduled me with Dr. Feria who I haven't heard anything good about on August 25Th (a whole month ugh!) So I stewed for a day & thought you know I'm not going to see someone I'm not sure about. I talked to several women who have thyroid issues in my office (some removed & medication, some just medication) they all said Dr. Ramen, & Dr. Thakkur were the best. So I called the surgeons office back & asked them to switch Dr.'s for me. The surgeons office just called I got in to see Dr. Thakkur on August 19Th (a week earlier anyway) I still don't know any of my results other than I don't have cancer (TYG) & I probably won't have to have surgery. So more waiting, I'll let you know what happens.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ouchy Day!

Shelby banged her chin at the pool during camp Poor baby!
Shelby went to play with her friends Taylor & Zoe. After an hour the girls came back to the house with Shelby crying hysterically, they say "Shelby got bit by my Grandmas dog" She didn't get bit by the dog, the dog jumped on her, scratched her, & then she hit her arm on the swing set bar (hence the bruise) Poor girl, painful but fun day!

It looks better after her bath.

After a bath she's clean again. All this & still smiling, what a sweetie!
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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hair Raising!

Since I've had the goiter/thyroid issue my hair has started falling out & driving me crazy, so I decided to get it cut short, less to fall out. Shelby took this before with no make up on. I go to a new girl named Lindz who has pink hair. I love her, she's great.
I took these. Here's after, makes my eyes look really blue huh? Daren came in & said Wow, I love it! Which in itself is amazing he seldom notices any hair change. I was watching Lindz cut it, I said wow I think I just lost 8 pounds.
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Thursday, July 23, 2009

She blinded me with SCIENCE!!!!

I had my nuclear medicine scan today. The first test was sitting & took pics of my neck, the next one was of my thigh, (I looked @ him like he was crazy, my thigh) He said it was to see how good my circulation is. Then I had to lay down on the table, he did 3 separate tests (10 mins for each test) I was a little claustrophobic he said to me it's going to be an inch away from your nose, yikes, then he would move the machine, then the table, I was a little motion sick. So I closed my eyes tried not to hyperventilate & pictured myself on a beach in the warm sun. The radiology tech Gary (I think) yesterday he said is that your daughter? (Shelby & my Mom were there) I said yes, he said wow she looks just like you (really, yikes does radiology guy have bad eye sight?) So today when I was leaving, the same guy says where's your little one? I said she's with my mom. He says, she sure is beautiful, she looks just like you. Although he did bring me one of those heated blankey's so I might be in love, JUST KIDDING!!! Overall pretty painless experience, now I just have to wait again to hear what they found out & when the surgery is. Gary said it should be read by the radiologist today or tomorrow, then sent to the doctor, if you don't hear anything in 5 days give your doctor a call. I'll keep ya posted!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Am I glowing?

Today I had to go to the hospital to get iodine (in pill form) Daren & I keep teasing I'm going to start glowing. Tomorrow I go back to get my nuclear medicine thyroid scan. They're checking to see if my nodules are hot, cold, or cancerous. All I know is I'm ready for it all to be over so I can swallow like a normal person. I must look really bad I've had 6 people now at work ask me if I'm ok, because I'm so pale, plus I have a cold sore right in the corner of my eye, so it's starting to swell & get puffy. For the next 3 days I'm working for Maggie @ the receptionist desk, so this is a great look I'm sure (not, oh well what can you do, laugh that's all) I'll let you know how the test goes tomorrow. Until later.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Mama & Shelby Day

My snuggle buddy
Yesterday Shelby & I cleaned, washed bedding general house stuff, ugh! So today we decided would be fun day so we made a list of all the fun stuff we (ok Shelby) wanted to do. Here's what we did today
  1. Polly Pockets go swimming
  2. We made wind chimes
  3. Easy Bake oven
  4. Played the Wii
  5. Library book store (wahoo I found a bunch of books I spent $5.50)
  6. Painting for like ummmm.... 2 1/2 hrs.
  7. Next dinner break then a rousing game of Hannah Montana

It's been a long day but fun. I'm pretty sure I'll be in bed before Shelby.

Hope everyone has had such a productive day :)

These are rocks (or boulders as Shelby call them) by the way!
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Big Daddy & Shelby love, love, love the TV show Wipeout. Shelby was trying some moves.
Big Daddy flipped her then.......

Down on the floor bucked off "the Big balls" knocked over by the big fat "Motivator" (Shelby's words by the way)

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She's thinks my tractor's sexy!

Shelby @ Uncle Dan's farm. She went to a research farm when she was with Gramma in North Carolina & loved it! So she wanted to go to Uncle Dan's farm to see the differences. Daddy took her to see all the equipment, she loves dirt, farms, tractors. I guess it's a good thing she lives in Iowa huh?
Tractor with a 'tude.
Vrrrrroooooommm!!! Keep all 4 wheels on the ground Shelb, no wheelies!
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Saturday, July 18, 2009


You say it's your birthday na na na it's my birthday too yeah! Today was my 39th birthday, I had a great day, let me tell you about it!

  1. Shelby made me breakfast in bed (leftover pizza & fruit cocktail, my favorite breakie)
  2. Shelby & I went out to Walcott Day parade
  3. Shelby & I shopping & spent my birthday money
  4. Big Daddy, Shelby, & I went to the movies to see "Night at the museum, battle of the Smithsonian" It was cute.
  5. Then we went to the book store (I could spend all day there if I could, I just love books) Shelby bought a book with her own money.
  6. Then we went to dairy queen so I could get a Mister Misty (even though they changed the name to Artic Rush, how dumb is that, I ask you?)
  7. We came home Daren & Shelby made me dinner (tacos, yummy!)

Thanks to everyone who called, sent cards, presents, flowers, well wishes, & family time, I appreciate it very much!

Thank you Shelby for making my breakfast, the drawing, the song, & the poem. I love you sweetie, the best part was spending time with you!

Last but not least thanks to the love of my life. Thanks for everything Big Daddy I love you more today than yesterday!

Walcott Day Parade

Shelby & cousins baby Leah, Trey buddy, & Lexi Loo Hoo! The 3 older ones got a ton of candy! It was so bizarre July 18th & it was in the 60's I had on a sweatshirt & jeans I was cold.
I thought this tractor was cute!
My ham of a child
My middle brother Dave & his daughter baby Leah
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Friday, July 17, 2009

She's home!!!!!

Running to hug Mama. You'll notice the lady with the blond hair is carrying Shelby's pillow for her. The flight attendant rolled her suitcase out. My heart just swelled when I saw that little girl.

I had to get my ID out & sign for her. This picture she just noticed Daddy was there to & wanted to run to him too! Normally they only let one person go to the gate, but because it was raining they let both of us go to the gate. We were both really grateful! On the way home Shelby called grandparents, when she talked to Nana Enie she said "I made it & didn't crash or anything."

This is this morning, my baby is home, all is right with the world (well at least my little world) We got lots of snuggle time in this morning, It's 1:19 & were still in our pj's what lazy girls we are!

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Thursday, July 16, 2009


My baby is coming home tonight! We leave at 3:00pm to head to Midway airport in Chicago. Can't wait to see my Shelby girl I need some lovin' (snuggling) I talked to her this morning and she's very nervous, she almost started crying on the phone, heartbreaking. I keep telling myself she'll be ok! I'll fill you all in tomorrow on how the flight went, should be interesting. Daren & I keep teasing, everyone on the plane is going to get off the plane & either say, Man shut that kid up. Or. Bye Shelby see ya! We'll see. Say a little prayer for a safe flight for Shelby, thanks!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Lexi Loo Hoo & Leah baby!

Trey & Zach. It was Trey's baseball game last night so Big Daddy & I trekked to Walcott! Trey did a great job! Way to go Trey.

I hugged Lexi Loo Hoo (I said come here I need some kid hugs)
We missed Shelby girl. Shelby comes home tomorrow! Yipee!!!!
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Many faces of Leah baby!

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