So this morning I proved, i'm so far from perfect it's not even funny! After I got so mad @ Shelby this morning & said some things I shouldn't. I dropped her off @ school & proceeded
to cry my eyes out. I started thinking omg what if something happened to me, that would be
her last memory of me. So I turned around & went back to her school. I told them I needed
to speak to Shelby. She came down looking @ me like I was crazy. I hugged her, told her I
loved her, & then we discussed what happened this morning etc. I think we both felt better,
but the consequences still stood (still the mama you know!) Then I found out why she was
looking @ me crazy, she thought she was getting another flu shot (I can
DAILY count on her
& her dadddy for a
smile or
laugh thank god they keep me from taking life so seriuosly)
I talked on the phone to my sister in law Valerie right after that & she told me she had a similar morning, so I guess it happens to all us imperfect people. Nice to hear. Until later, I better
get back to work.