Sunday, March 14, 2010

Heavy Heart

This Sunday morning on the way to church we had heavy hearts. Some mistakes were made, now someone
we love (don't know very well but love from afar, through church & blogs) is no longer at our church.
I'm learning from others examples what it's like to be less judgemental, forgiving, &  hopeful. We along with many others this week have shed many tears. I was impressed how our church handled things this morning, with forgiveness, hope, & love. We are all broken in many different ways, one is no worse or better than another (which is hard to say, live & believe in your heart)  We've only been going to our church for 2 years but we feel at home there. My prayers are with everyone one involved with the tradgedies that have occured, & wish healing, forgiveness, & grace. Thank you to all the great examples of human kindness, strength, & grace. All I know is after today our church will never be the same & GOD is Great!!! Amen!

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