Monday, August 31, 2009

Medical update!

I haven't updated my medical saga in awhile. My multi nodular goiter thyroid thingy...ahhhhh it's exhausting. So I went from ultra sound to surgeon, surgeon said to endocrinologist we think it can be treated with medicine....GREAT, to endo who says nothing come see me again in 3 months. I'm sorry what? I still have neck/throat pain. He (the endo guy) says he doesn't think the pain has anything to do with the nodulargoiterthyroidthingy. Fabulous, so after a minor melt down, back to my regular doctor on Friday. She says cat scan, if we can't figure that out, then a scope. Wow at this point my head is spinning. So today @ 3:15 I'm getting a cat scan & we'll go from there I guess. Update again when I know something.


Anonymous said...

If the thyroid nodule presses on the nerve it WILL cause the pain!!

Trish said...

One would think but what do I know? :)