Monday, August 17, 2009

Grandkid photoshoot!

Us girls (meaning the Mom's Leisha, Valerie, & I) dread these photo shoots. When Shelby was little every year by the end she was crying, now since then every year one decides they don't want to do it! But all in all I think we got some cute ones. Some day we'll look back & think awwww I miss those days!!! (Someday!!)
Trey, Shelby, Lexi, Leah, Zach, Mikayla, & Sydney. All the beautiful grand children, we are all very blessed.
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Grandma Sharon said...

Looks like you all had a great time. I hope you parents know how lucky they are to have all of their grandkids together as often as they do. It is indeed a special time.
Love ya,

The Huntley 6 said...

Those are great! I haven't even looked at mine yet!