Monday, August 31, 2009

Peace Man!!

My daughter has a facination with the peace sign. It's in most of her pictures, on clothes, now she wants a big one on her painted on her wall. The hippie head band is the stretchy stuff that went over my arm for my iv today. (but hey it matched the outfit)
Mom I'm seeing stars.
Wow how I love that face, what a doll!
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Bike Rider Girl

Shelby has always wanted to learn to ride a bike, we lived on gravel all of her life until we moved to town last year (plus she was scared to death & just not ready) During the summer she said I'm going into 2nd grade & I feel like a baby because I don't know how to ride. So we finally got around to getting her a new bike. She was scared at first but she's doing much bettter now. 3days of practice I'm very proud of her.
See that smiling face? She said "Mom I'm so proud of myself" We are too sweet girl!!!
I told Shelby that this was her car, she gets to steer it, go fast, slow, use the brakes...etc She thought that was pretty cool. I said to Daren this is a big taste of freedom for her, look out she loves it. (Yikes)
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Grandpa's 80th

Aunt Donna, Uncle Steve, Dad, Mom, & Grandpa
Shelby (eyes closed, nice pic Aunt Donna oops) me, Big Daddy, & Grandpa
Zach, my brother Dave, Leah baby, Dave's wife Leisha, Lexi Loo Hoo, Grandpa, Trey buddy.
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Medical update!

I haven't updated my medical saga in awhile. My multi nodular goiter thyroid thingy...ahhhhh it's exhausting. So I went from ultra sound to surgeon, surgeon said to endocrinologist we think it can be treated with medicine....GREAT, to endo who says nothing come see me again in 3 months. I'm sorry what? I still have neck/throat pain. He (the endo guy) says he doesn't think the pain has anything to do with the nodulargoiterthyroidthingy. Fabulous, so after a minor melt down, back to my regular doctor on Friday. She says cat scan, if we can't figure that out, then a scope. Wow at this point my head is spinning. So today @ 3:15 I'm getting a cat scan & we'll go from there I guess. Update again when I know something.

Reporting for Work Daddy!!!

Sweet Shelby
Daddy & Shelby (& the loader in the background) Daren said "how many pictures do we need of Shelby & I in hard hats?" I said "It's a record of how fast she's growing standing next to you" Plus those are the pictures she will treasure always, standing with her hero..... DADDY!
Shelbybucket in a loader bucket.
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Familly Fun!!!

I'm sure you've heard me talk about my love affair with the library book, cheap, cheap. Kids books are 25 cents, 50 cents for adult books. Zach got 2 playstation games $1.00 a piece. Love it, love it, love it, in case you can't tell I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOOKS ROCK!!!!!
Lexi Loo Hoo
Trey buddy
Leah baby
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Sunday, August 30, 2009

More library book store

Shelby, Leah baby, & Lexi Loo Hoo
Shelby looking for books. Not as big of a deal for Shelby I'm sure were here 1 or twice a week. (It's right by our house)
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2nd Grade

Look she's 12, the new look I get a lot now. Eye rolling head up.....GOOD TIMES!!!
I forgot my camera on the first day of school so I brought it the other day. This is Shelby @ her seat with her planner. Still loves 2nd grade & her teacher.
Shelby by her cubby. She's happy she's # 4 on the list Fick #4 cool huh?
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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Golf anyone?

Me, striking a pose, look like quite the golfer huh? I told Big Daddy I'd like to take some lessons we'll see.
Big Daddy (my golf guru) He's got a great driver, I used it & it made a great sound when I hit the "sweet spot"
Our buddy Dave (married to Maggie)
Our buddy Maggie (married to Dave) Maggie works with me at Midland, & her hubby Dave & Daren went to college together. We had a great time, we always have fun hanging out with Dave & Maggie. Daren won the longest drive award. Way to go Big Daddy, I'm so proud.
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This was a cool old tree on the golf course, it reminded me of a cartoon tree that moved for the wind.
Searching for a lost ball.
Still searching.
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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Park with Loo Hoo

Lexi Loo Hoo upside down on the onkey bars (she asked me to take this picture)
Sunshine up in the clouds
Lexi Loo Hoo & Shelby bucket
I said say "best buddies" neither one of them said a word. I said ok act like you like each other. Shelby said "Mom we do like each other, we love each other" (in that I'm acting 12 attitude I love so much arrrrgggghhhhh)
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First day of school!

My baby is in 2nd grade, how did that happen? So far we love her new teacher (Mrs. Fleming) she's very organized & has control over her class (which was not the case with her K & 1st teachers) This is her 1st year at Wilson. She's not much taller then Shelby. Should be fun, Shelby's very excited about this year we'll see how things go!!!! The 2 trouble makers from last year's class are not in her class this year, yeah!!!!
Love the Pipi braids (she wants her hair like this all the time now)
Shelby's new backpack Alex from Wizards of Waverly Place.
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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

It's Hannah Montana!!!

Yesterday the Hannah Montana movie came out, so of course we had to go buy it! (Shelby & I went to see it the first day when it came out) She LOVED it! I liked it! So last night she wanted Daddy to see it, so she was acting parts out for us!! Too cute!!
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