Thursday, February 18, 2010


My daughter is growing up.....I know, I know it's a natural thing, but...........I'm a little frightened by all the questions all of a sudden of my 8 year old. Here's a sample of my last couple of weeks of questions.
  • What's juvie?
  • What does drunk mean?
  • (After watching baby story w/me) Why would any woman want to have the baby out her "bagina"?
  • Mama, am I fat?
  • Did you & Daddy live together before you got married?
  • Why don't some people believe in God?
  • Will you love the baby more than me?
  • Why are some kids more popular than others?
  • Why do Mama's & Daddy's sleep in the same bed?
  • Why did God do this to the people in Haiti?
  • Because your tired all the time does that mean we have a bad baby?
  • Did I drink out of your breast? No, why not?
  • What's the difference between laughing & giggling?
Those are just the ones I can remember right now, some no problem, some I have to give some thought.
What did parents do before google? I couldn't live without it. Bless you Google people. I know this is only the start, but my god school stuff is getting hard for me (maybe it's pregnancy brain maybe not?) Some of it I remember but man when you don't use it all the time, you forget. Thanks for listening! I find myself wondering.....Wow, how are we not going to be too tired with this next one, because Shelby is exhausting by herself pheeeeewwww! I think I need a nap! Hope everyone has a good day!

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