Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Pancake Night
If anyone doesn't know where Shelby gets the drama
look at Daren's face!
Tonight was pancake family night @ Shelby's school
The pancake, sausage, & juice were FREE, how exciting.
Also all the kids got free books, & a free bookshelf.
It was so nice to go to something & not have to bring a
wad of cash with us. We all had a great time.
Thankyou Wilson school!
Madi, Miss Brenda, & Shelby.
They crack me up!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Book Buddies

Shelby workin' it! Giving some attitude.

Long live the Queen!
Shelby got her new script from acting class. All the kids got to pick out their characters, then Miss Kim wrote the script. Shelby picked a Queen. We read through the script a couple times, it's quite cute & funny actually. The characters are the
- Queen
- Tomboy
- Batman
- Elmo
- Buttercup the palace cat
- Frank the chipmunk
- Princess
Shelby has some evil laughs to do in the play (which she loves!) She say's I need to work on my evil laugh, I said we'll have to watch some movies with evil queens in them. Daddy gets home & were reading through the script so Daddy can hear it. At the end Shelby says, "I need to watch some movies so I can get my evil laugh on", Daren & I were cracking up, it was soooo cute!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Busy, busy, busy!
Today was a busy day for us all, & I have no pictures to share....oops! Shelby spent the night with Grandpa Bubby (alone for the first time, Nana was out of town!) They had a big breakfast & ate like piggies (Shelby said!) then he bought her a stuffed animal, spoiled her, she loved it. I think they had a good time. Thanks so much Dad I appreciate it very much. Daren had to work. I went to a city wide garage sale, then to an all day scrapbooking event with my girlfriends Sheila & Millie. I got a whole book done (YEAH!!!!!) Daren took Subway out to Grandpa Bubby & Shelby after he finished with work. Then Shelby & Daddy went to hit golf balls (which she loves to do with her Daddy) Next year she wants to take golf lessons. Next Shelby & Daddy went to see Escape to Witch Mountain @ the theater. Daren said it was good, but maybe a little old for Shelby, she got scared in a couple parts. Now everyone's back home all together, Shelby's in bed, Daren's watching TV & I'm blogging. Pheeeewwwwww what a long day. We missed church tonight which is a bummer. More tomorrow!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Mom/Dad Questionnaire!
I saw this on Facebook & thought I'd give a shot with Shelby. So here's her answers. Enjoy!
- What is something Mom/Dad always says to you? Mom~I love you sunshine. Dad~I love you punkin'.
- What makes Mom/Dad happy? Mom~When Mom reads. Dad~Sitting on the beach.
- What makes Mom/Dad sad? Mom~movies. Dad~ When he doesn't get what he wants.
- How does Mom/Dad make you laugh? Mom~Tickles. Dad~Jokes
- What was your Mom/Dad like as a child? Mom~Cute red hair. Dad~ Glasses
- How old is your Mom/Dad? Mom~38. Dad~43
- How tall is your Mom/Dad? Mom~ 5'8". Dad~6'6".
- What is favorite thing to do with Mom/Dad? Mom~Snuggling with Mama. Dad~ Golf.
- What does your Mom/Dad do when your not around? Mom~Read. Dad~ Does something with Mommy if she's left with him.
- If your Mom/Dad becomes famous what will it be for? Mom~ Homemade pizza. Dad~being funny.
- What is your Mom/Dad really good at? Mom~ Making cookies. Dad~ Laying around.
- What is your Mom/Dad not good at? Mom~Trying to lay around. Dad~ Cooking.
- What does your Mom/Dad do for a job? Mom~Puts dates on papers & sends them to someone else. Dad~ Makes concrete for people who need it.
- What is your Mom/Dad's favorite food? Popcorn & starbursts. Dad~Chocolate chip cookies
- What makes you proud of your Mom/Dad? Mom~When she does something she's never done before in her life. Dad~ Same as Mom
- If your Mom/Dad were a character from a book, who would they be? Mom~ Sexy Mama. Dad~Stepdad or Dad.
- What do you & your Mom/Dad do together? Mom~Crafts. Dad~Watch Movies
- How are you & your Mom/Dad the same? Mom~We both wear red glasses. Dad~We both started out as blondies.
- How are you & your Mom/Dad different? Mom~You have red hair & I don't. Dad~Boy/girl.
- How do you know your Mom/Dad loves you? Mom~You say I love you every night & on the phone, you also give me lots of hugs & kisses. Dad~Same as Mom
- Where is your Mom/Dad's favorite place? Mom~Cozumel or shopping. Dad~Golfing
- What do you wish you could do with your Mom/Dad? Mom~Go to Hollywood movie live in the front seat. Dad~Swim.
- What's your best memory of your Mom/Dad? Roller & ice skating. Dad~Sweet, very, very.(?????)
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
New Arrival!
Ryan Patrick Christopher Allen. Weighing in @ 5pds 5ounces. 18" long. Ryan arrived on Wednesday April 15th, tax day.
John & Baby Ryan! John works with Big Daddy. John & Lisa have tried to have a little one for a long time with out success, until now! John, Lisa, & big brother Cameron are thrilled beyond belief with their new little bundle of joy! We are so happy for the Allen family, congratulations!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
School Ice Skating Night!
Shelby & Luke (a little boy from her class!) They skated together almost all night, I got pushed aside, I'm not bitter about it or
anything! : ) Luke was the only one from her class in attendance. Shelby had a great time & won a door prize.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
A little help please!

Friends & family I need a little help!
The company I work for Midland Information Resources, Davenport, IA.
is up for a small business award along with (55 other companies)
If you could take a moment to vote for Midland, I would appreciate it.
You don't have to fill out the comment section if you don't want but
please vote! http://www.uschambersummit.com/sbsummit/award/ceawardvote.htm
You can only vote once. Thankyou all for your help.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Back @ work!
Hey all~ I got to go back to work today. I had 581 emails & 6 stacks of paperwork.
It was great to be back, I've missed all my buddies & my work! Thanks for all the
thoughts & prayers, good to be back!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Last night we went to Easter Service @ our church (Calvary church in Muscatine, IA)
I woke up about 25 minutes before we had to leave for church, neither Daren or I felt
like going. We were both SOOOOO glad we did. The service was awesome. We had
young people dancing during the music it was amazing to see their energy, & joy in
praising the lord. The music, dancers, & most important the message was great.
Big Daddy & I both left feeling so good, renewed, & uplifted. Happy Easter y'all!
God bless!
Easter @ Nana & Bubby's!
Awwwww, cheese! Too cute!
Tada, so tricky!
The Huntley's (my brother & his family)
Daren, Shelby, & I
Easter Morning!
Look at all the eggs I found Mom!
I call Shelby Sunshine, so she loved this book! Next to it is a Jonas Brothers CD!
Hannah Montana Dress!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Small Talk Six~Breakfast Foods I love!
Friday, April 10, 2009
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