Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Poison 2

So when I was 17, 18, 19 ok until now I have loved Poison. I was scared to go se them because I was afraid I would be disappointed, but I was worried for nothing. They were GREAT...just like I remembered,  I still love them. This picture is of C.C. Deville

This is my friend Laura & I at the concert....she's 24 she took her old friend to the concert!!! I took an hour nap before the concert, I danced, sang, yelled, clapped acted as if I was 18 again. But.......when I woke up the next day ugh, my throat hurt from singing & yelling & my body was sore, wow reality check your not 18 anymore!!!

The headliner band was Motley Crue. I liked them when I was young but not loved them, what I learned is I've gotten too old for Motley Crue! They haven't changed a bit, I guess I have. They had half naked girls on poles, girls kissing each other, every other word was the f bomb & Vince Neil (pictured above) sounded like Mickey Mouse. So we stayed for about 5 songs then left.

The tattooed one Tommy Lee on drums!
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