Monday, August 22, 2011

My grown up girl

Shelby got her haircut very short....a cute little pixie cut

This is her first day of school outfit

She looks 12 not 9 yikes, why can't someone slow this growing up thing down??? 

Sitting at her desk. She has now been in school for a week & loves her teacher! I said really I'm happy but why do you think you like her so much? She said because she doesn't yell. Shelby has never responded to yelling so glad to see she doesn't have a yeller. After the first week she says "Mom school is dumb, it's too easy." I say "I know sweetie, the teacher makes it easy so she can tell where everyones level is." Patience my lovely daughter, which is so hard to say when I have none (or very little) myself.
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Was Shelby's short haircut for summer or back to school? Did you both like it right away?