Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hurricane Henry

Hurricane Henry is his new nickname. My Momma thinks it's funny apparently I used to be just like that trash a room, as I'm cleaning it up trashes another one. I'm glad your enjoying the paybacks Momma.
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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Niabi Too

Pretty cheetah (from a far of course)

shelby riding a panda on the carousel

Henry riding the scary looking tiger with Nana Enie. It went a lot faster & went higher then we thought it would. Henry was not quite sure he liked that. 

Shelby & Henry riding the elephant

Nana & Pop (yes that would be Pop riding on the lion) Pop said to me, "this is going on the blog isn't it?" betcha!!!! Heehee!!

Wow are those some faces or what. Pop is the only normal look in the bunch. Nana is talking, Henry is trying to escape, & Shelby is playing wityh her loose tooth. It's a family I love it!!!

Shelby, Henry, & Mama (Henry again trying to escape) (the pretty flower my daughter picked for me)
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Niabi Zoo

Shelby & Henry riding the hippo

Giraffes...I loved them, they are huge, graceful & majestic with HUGE tongues!

Man lion with his women.

Mindy looks like this lion.

Shelby had the wingspan of a hawk (I think), mine was of a bald eagle (see I do have freakishly long arms) we didn't try Henry maybe next time

Bengal Tiger
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When Nana & Pop were here we all went to Incredible Pizza (along with Grand uncle Dan) Henry was riding in the race car......loved it!

Sissy helping her brother, what a good sissy she is!!!
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Monday, August 29, 2011


You have to look really close or make it bigger but Henry had measles. Ok not really full blown, he had a reaction from his MMR shot (11 days after the shot)

Poor baby was miserable for a few days
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Monday, August 22, 2011

My grown up girl

Shelby got her haircut very short....a cute little pixie cut

This is her first day of school outfit

She looks 12 not 9 yikes, why can't someone slow this growing up thing down??? 

Sitting at her desk. She has now been in school for a week & loves her teacher! I said really I'm happy but why do you think you like her so much? She said because she doesn't yell. Shelby has never responded to yelling so glad to see she doesn't have a yeller. After the first week she says "Mom school is dumb, it's too easy." I say "I know sweetie, the teacher makes it easy so she can tell where everyones level is." Patience my lovely daughter, which is so hard to say when I have none (or very little) myself.
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Birthday Party #2

This was the Fick family birthday party we had on saturday the 13th.

He loves this phone from Nana & Pop (when you pull him with the string his eyes move up & down) Shelby says wow that's an old fashioned phone, yep I remember those kind from when I was kid. (nothing like your kid to make you feel old)

I gotm smart this time....I gave him a cupcake! I'm not sure if he enjoyed the white/white as much as the yellow/choclate!

What a big boy you are, still can't believe your one year old!
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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Our little tornado

Henry is into everything arrrggghhhh! One his favorite places is the dishwasher

Next place is the bathroom, he discovered the toilet paper! It's hard to be mad at him he's so darn cute!!
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