Friday, February 4, 2011

My Pitiful Little Man

Big Daddy & I took Henry to the Dr. today. He was tested for RSV & was positive (as the Doctor joked all the cool kids are getting it! ) We gave him this breathing treatment in the office, it was kinda like wrestling an alligator. Then he fell asleep on me, then it was off to get a chest x-ray (he laid super still, they wanted him to cry to get a deep breath & he wouldn't) the guy holding him down said wow does he ever cry? Ummmm yup you should have seen him getting the breathing treatment a little bit ago. Then it was off to the lab to get his blood drawn, they decided to try a vein in his arm instead of the finger (which takes for-ev-er) she found a vein & did it in like 5 seconds, he wasn't mad about the stick he hated being held down, they were great in the lab! (so glad he doesn't have Mama's veins) Then we went to Walgreens to get all the meds. Steroid, antibiotic & albuterol for breathing treatments. The pharmacist said " the steroid is really nasty tasting so give it with food, but not chocolate" (ummmm he's 5 mths old, chocolate not a problem, the problem is he won't eat baby food anymore) We gave him that medicine when we got home, he did just fine (better than some little girl who's 9 who still gets dramatic about meds) So we've been home all week for snowmagedon (pics to come later) & now all weekend! The doctor gave us his cell phone & said "call me tomorrow to let us know how he's doing" which freaked us out a bit. We go back on Monday for a recheck.

This is after all the hub bub, waiting to get out of the office, he was such a trooper! Love this little guy!!!
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1 comment:

Cassie said...

poor little guy! ayla had rsv and pneumonia when she was tiny like that, too. it's scary! thinking of you guys!!