This is Shelby when she was 1 month old, with "baby".
The other one is today with "baby".
Quite the difference huh?
I can't believe how fast she's growing.
She still sleeps with baby every night!
Baby's stuffing is not so thick anymore.
When Shelby was 2 or 3 (I can't remember anymore)
I thought I would keep baby in the keepsakes box.
So I bought the other one which she named "Emme"
(it was her Dragon Tails faze)
As any parent knows it didn't work,
Emme still looks brand new, baby not
so much. Oh well!
I just thought I would do some
looking back....ahhhhh
I'm tearing up as we speak.
Ok moving on, thanks for
sticking with me.
Nana & Bubby bought baby before Shelby was born.
I think you made a good decision Nana!