Saturday, February 21, 2009

New Best Friend!

I went to a Pampered Chef party for my friend Faith, I work with @ Midland. I took Shelby along with. She met a girl named Layne, they played throughout the party. We were getting ready to leave & Shelby says "I have to say goodbye to my best friend" So I say, "Oh really? What's your best friends name?" She looks around & says "I dunno." Anyways we had fun I bought some kitchen stuff, good food. Fun had by all. Next to come today on list of activities 1. Pack for trip (leaving in the morning) 2. Meet for linner @ Applebees 3. Go to bowl-a-thon from 5-8 4. Come home blog about afore mentioned 5. Finish finish packing 6. Crash! All for now, more later!
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