Saturday, February 7, 2009

Last skating Pics

Brenda, Madi & Shelby. For the record Brenda wanted me to say, the only time she fell was when Shelby knocked her down. But that's ok I was the only 1 who DIDN'T fall at all. Madi & I. Madi said "Oh noooooo I'm going down. Oops she went down. I was soooo scared & nervous to go skating. As it turns out we had so much fun!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Brenda & Madi for going with us. Also thanks Shelby for having your old Mama try new things out of her comfort zone, you help to keep me young(er).
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Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, you couldn't even let my pants dry before you told the whole world I fell.

Cassie said...

looks like fun. and good for you. when we take the kids ice skating, i tell paul that i need to sit and watch ayla. i've NEVER been on ice skates in my life!