Thursday, August 26, 2010

From Ouchie to adorable!

This my friends and family would be my stomach about 5 days after my son was born. Pretty nasty huh???? I ended up with a nasty bruise and an even nastier UTI.....ouch I was crying and peeing it was kind of a night mare, with lack of sleep, trying to breast feed, a new baby, yikes glad that's over. As I'm typing this it's 2 1/2 weeks since Henry was born, and bad bruise still there. Doctor doesn't seem to be worried about it, she said it would take a long time to go away. (I go back tomorrow on Friday, have her take another look)

Gramma Sharon and baby Henry. Gramma Sharon came to help while I was recouping from c-section.

Yummy I could eat him up....tooooooo cute!!!!
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