Today is Shelby girl's 8th birthday, it has flown by! This morning Shelby came running in our room & said "Guess what I'm 1/2 way to 16 (ugh!) I took her out on our "date" today, she thought we were just going to lunch, but I took her to get her ears pierced as a surprise. Here's before with the purple dot!

After with her birthstone earrings. She did great I was very proud of her!

This is Lexi Loo Hoo for Shelby's 3rd birthday! 1/2 way to 16 huh? How about back to the 3rd birthday! Adorable girls! Wow Lexi Loo Hoo, Leah baby looks just like ya!

This is today's 8th birthday with her new American Girl Doll Rebecca (from Aunt Lynn) We had family over today I cooked (at Shelby's request) meatloaf, mashed potatos, peas, & rolls. I cooked for 19 people, it went fairly smooth. The food was a hit! Best of all, Shelby said "this was my BEST birthday ever" Love you Shelby girl, & I promise we'll still have our dates & girl time even after the new baby comes.